The cookie Jar Queen herself is MS. Princetta also known CETTA CAKES!! Princetta is known for her delicious baking and mouth watery homemade meals. Friends come from far and near to have a bite of whatever she might have recently whipped up in the kitchen, however, many don't know the heart of the baker/cook. If ever there was a subject to get her feathers ruffled the wrong way, it was and still is the matter of Girls and Women and the disconnection they have with their own bodies. Princetta strongly supports the idea that women have more power than they realize and it all begins with the one thing they all possess. Boys and men risk their everything to have just a piece of us, but they often leave us in Pieces because in most cases they only wanted just that, a piece.
Princetta clearly states that she is no Sex GURU. Nor is she a feminist, (ok maybe a little bit of a feminist!) She simply believes that someone has to stand for the rights of the woman's "forget me nots."
Life has not come the easiest for Princetta. She's learned valuable and unfortunate lessons about the importance of treasuring her own body. Like all women she hoped to have a Prince Charming who would treasure it just as much as we do. However, after talking to numerous women, Princetta discovered that We, the women don't treasure it much at all ourselves. In turn, we have a long line of jerks waiting to ALSO NOT TREASURE IT! Some of us marry our Prince Charming, but even he must be educated about the wonder, the magnificence, and the needs of the sweet cookie jar he vowed to honor!
Hoping to have girl chats, ladies gatherings, and fun parties where women can be candidly open about their struggles, their questions, their disappointments, and their hurts, Princetta is ready to blaze a trail of Cookie Jar treasurers behind her. Acknowledging flaws and embracing the beauty of being women, We can make a difference. First we have to learn how to take care of our little wonderful Cookie Jars! She's excited! Look for the Cookie Jar symbol in your emails. A cookie Jar party is soon to come and please be advised...NO THIS IS NOT A TOY PARTY, but a party of girlship( no fellows here) and yummy cookies of course! OK who are we kidding...if Princetta is in charge there is no telling what treat or MEAL we might indulge in. The Most important thing is that we learn to indulge in what God has given us and we learn to love, cherish and OWN it!
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